RST Inclinalysis™ Software is a powerful companion to the RST Digital MEMS Inclinometer System and the MEMS Horizontal Inclinometer System. It allows the user to quickly and efficiently reduce large volumes of inclinometer data into a variety of formats suitable for analysis and presentation.
Using a multi-document interface, the user is able to view several data plots simultaneously on the screen at one time. Intuitive single-click buttons allow the creation of plots within seconds. Plots can be saved as individual reports allowing the flexibility to load multiple specialized plots for a single borehole dataset. A universal depth increment drop-down box highlights data across multiple windows allowing the user to directly compare data across several plot types at once.
In addition to industry standard plot types, Inclinalysis™ includes the option of time and vector plots. Vector plots display the change in magnitude and direction for either a specific depth increment or over a user-defined movement zone. Combined with the time plot, these are very useful tools in viewing and determining the rates of movement in specific zones of interest. Checksum data can be plotted at the click of a button to gauge data quality.
RST Inclinalysis™ Software is powerful, yet easy to use. Plotting, manipulating data and printing are all only a few clicks away. Menu and plot functions are designed to be intuitive making the program very easy to learn. Designed to complement the RST Digital MEMS Inclinometer System, data is organized in a standard file structure which makes importing data seamless between Inclinalysis™ and the Ultra-Rugged Field PC.
Analyze and compile large volumes of inclinometer data into a variety of presentable formats.
Create custom graph views, text views, vector or time plots.
Single click views for mean deviation, incremental displacement, absolute position, cumulative displacement, checksum, time plot and vector plot.
User defined settings for X and Y-axis properties such as scale, units, labels, ticks and gridlines. Ability to read a variety of inclinometer survey file types: *.csv, *.rpp, *.bch
Spiral file support for other spiral formats: *.rpp; *.txt; *.prn, *.twi
Reading Units conversion between m, mm, in. or ft.
Movement Zone selection for Time Plot & Vector Plot.
Bias-Shift correction capabilities.
RST Analog Inclinometer file format conversion support.
Reference to top of borehole; top-down processing support.
Axis A azimuth correction (displacement in true north direction).
Collar elevation setting.
Strata layer fill or excavate (applied to plots depending on date/time).
Print Report option allows printing of all open windows in a report.
Seamlessly add additional data files.
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