Total Earth Pressure Cells are designed to measure stress acting on plane surfaces. The TP-101 series Total Earth Pressure Cells are constructed from two circular stainless steel plates, welded together around their periphery. The annular space between these plates is filled with deaired glycol. The cell is connected via a stainless steel tube to a transducer forming a closed hydraulic system. The stress is then converted to a signal and may be remotely read on a variety of portable readout units or data loggers. Various types of transducers are employed dependent on site requirements.
Earth embankments dams.
Foundations, retaining walls, and piles.
Pipelines and culverts.
Railroad bases.
Beneath raft foundations.
Tunnel linings.
Mine backfill monitoring.
Long term stability.
High accuracy and sensitivity.
Constant monitoring capability.
Ease of data logging.
Either pneumatic, strain gauge or vibrating wire transducers.
The transducer is located 46 cm (18 in.) from the cell to avoid any influence from the transducer housing.
Stainless steel construction.
A 20:1 height to diameter ratio minimizes the effects of stress distribution on the mean plane.
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